Harlequin is always very happy to hear from experienced choral singers, and we are particularly interested in hearing from tenors at present.Harlequin sings in the Brandenburg Festival

To join Harlequin you will need to pass a short audition, conducted by our Music Director, Amy Bebbington. Auditions normally take place before our Tuesday evening rehearsals and last approximately ten minutes. Amy wants all who audition to do well, and will ensure you are put at ease.

Auditions typically cover the following:

  • Pitch matching (to notes played on the piano)
  • Finding different pitches in relation to a specific note
  • Singing back the top, bottom and middle note of a chord
  • Sight-reading (this will be provided)
  • Performing an unaccompanied hymn or folk tune of your choice (please bring this with you)
  • Working with Amy on technical exercises to improve range, tone, vocal flexibility etc

For more information, or to schedule an audition, please contact our Chair via email on [email protected]